Stargazing around the world; best Aussie towns & making travel memories
When was the last time you really soaked up the night sky? Spotted a full moon? Admired the Milky Way? Saw an aurora?
When was the last time you really soaked up the night sky? Spotted a full moon? Admired the Milky Way? Saw an aurora?Marnie Ogg joins us to talk about astrotourism. Marnie designs and leads stargazing tours, and she is also the founder of the Australasian Dark Sky Alliance, which educates people about light pollution. So stay with us to learn the best places on Earth to go stargazing, aurora hunting and spotting all sorts of celestial bodies. See darkskytraveller.com.auWe also reveal the best little town in Australia: it's official, with the winner of the Top Tourism Town Awards, and we've got some tips about how to make the best memories when you travel. See toptourismtowns.com.auFinally, it's giveaway time, thanks to Lonely Planet - win a guidebook to Vietnam, or their new book, Stargazing Around the World: A Tour of the Night Sky. To be in the running, email us at hello@theworldawaits.au
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